Here at Protocol, we know all about the importance of good people, we pride ourselves in ‘placing people first’ and have been doing so for 25 years now!

Our business is full of great people, and you may only interact with one or two in your work with us, but there is a whole army of support in the background from IT to Marketing and Compliance to Recruitment Consultants. We thought it was important for you to find out a bit more about the people that make up #TeamProtocol. In this series, you will find out a bit about the person behind the screen, or at the end of the phone.

To continue the Protocol Spotlight series, we would like to introduce you to Hayley Simpson, Recruitment Consultant. Hayley has been part of the Protocol Family for over 2 years, and is based at Head Office in Nottingham. Here’s what we found out about Hayley:

What is your favourite food?

Burgers! I love them.

What is your dream holiday destination?

Anywhere tropical, like the Philippines or an Indonesian island.

What sports teams do you follow?

I don’t follow any teams in particular – but I’ve accidentally been following Liverpool because of my boyfriend.

What’s your dream car?

Any car!

What’s your favourite song, band or artist?

Lady Gaga, I used to buy all her albums on the first day of release as a teenager – I still think she’s pretty cool to this day.

What one skill or talent would you love to be able to master?

I would love to be able to play the piano.

What’s your favourite time of year?

Summer – I would always rather be warm than cold!

Do you have any pets?

I have a cute hamster called Buddy!

And finally, why do you love working at Protocol?

There is never a quiet day in recruitment, my team are all vibrant and brilliant people!

Keep your eyes peeled for the next instalment of Protocol Spotlight…

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